Conserving Energy For A Better Future

Conserving Energy For A Better Future

How To Maximize The Benefits Of Energy-Efficient Air Compressors

by Victor Bryant

Air compressors represent one of the best options for storing energy, especially if you're going to need it in bursts. Consequently, energy-efficient compressors are of great value when it comes to saving storage and use costs.

You will want to minimize waste, even if you've already invested in systems rated as energy-efficient. How do you do that? Consider these 5 recommendations.


Especially when you're shopping for energy-efficient compressors, the ability to adjust a solution to different loads often has some value. If you find a less adjustable option that's perfect for your use case, you can problem save some money, as long as it doesn't have other applications. However, most use cases won't be perfect matches for a particular compressor.

Fortunately, many models include rotary screws that allow adjustment. This avoids the efficiency-killing problems that come with applying too little or too much pressure. If you have the system adjusted too low, it may struggle to keep up and waste energy in the process. The converse is also true, with waste occurring when someone spends more stored energy than necessary. A highly adjustable system will reduce this risk, especially if you're using the compressors for more than one application.


Whenever possible, use a unit that minimizes or eliminates air loss when you drain oil or condensation from it. This will save energy and economize oil usage, too.

Check Supporting Infrastructure

Even if you have all new components in a building, you should conduct regular infrastructure checks. Verify that the pipes and hoses attached to your energy-efficient compressors have no leaks. Check couplings for issues, and make sure all regulators are in good shape for both efficiency and safety reasons.

Automated Off Switches

People forget to turn off compressors, particularly when they're involved with multiple tasks. It happens from time to time, and there are better solutions than coaching team members to always be mindful. Find a setup that has an automatic off switch. Ideally, the system will have a throttle down and warning so someone who still needs it can keep it in standby mode. However, absent a person's intervention, the system should complete a shutdown cycle automatically after a specified period.

Monitor for Pressure Losses

Test the equipment regularly and test for pressure losses. While a change in pressure might be tolerable for your use case, it's usually a sign that something is amiss, so take it as a heads-up. If a system appears to be losing pressure, diagnose the problem by checking the components and the supporting infrastructure.

Contact a local service, such as Energy Machinery Inc, to learn more.


About Me

Conserving Energy For A Better Future

Hi, my name is Mark and this blog focuses on the use of energy. What we do today will have a huge impact on the energy sources of the future. Individuals can make changes to ensure that available energy sources are affordable and reliable. Families can conserve energy by using energy efficient appliances, planting trees to shade their homes and unplugging electronics when they're not being used. Individuals can also spread the word to others about the importance of conserving energy and that's why I'm writing this blog. My intention is to get the word out to as many people as possible so that together we can reduce the amount of energy that's being used today. I hope that you find my blog enlightening and that by reading my posts, you'll help to do your part too.
