Conserving Energy For A Better Future

Conserving Energy For A Better Future

Defining Clean Energy For Those Not "In The Know"

by Victor Bryant

Despite all of the conversations about alternative energy sources, there are still many people who do not know about or understand what "clean energy" is. If you are the type of person who finds him/herself slightly behind the times, but you are now just catching up to this trend, you are probably looking for a clearer definition of what clear energy is and how you can incorporate it into your home and life. That information follows.

Defining Clean Energy

Clean energy is any energy derived from a source that does not create byproducts or affect/impact its surrounding environment negatively. While some people might consider wind power via wind turbines clean energy, there is still the technicality of the massive turbines and turbine grease used to operate these machines. Water power or hydro power is cleaner, since the water used to move turbines is recycled and purified. However, solar power advocates may argue that solar power is, by far, the most clean of all alternative energy sources, due to the fact that solar panels are easily installed on any roof and act as a constant, renewable source of energy that produces no emissions or affects the environment.

Any one of these three sources of energy may be used in lieu of traditional electrical and gas sources. However, you need to be close to water for hydropower and an electrical company will still be the source of your wind power. Solar power is the only one that is installed and then essentially becomes a hands-off energy source.

How You Can Incorporate One of These Three Clean Energy Sources in your Home

If you are jumping into the wind power camp, you will need to contact your electricity provider. Many homeowners already benefit from wind power without even knowing it. If you are not one of these lucky homeowners, and your electrical company does have wind power as an option, you may be able to request these service connections.

If you are jumping into the hydro-power camp, you will need to live close to a body of water and install a water turbine system. To keep power going in an average-sized waterfront property, the water turbine may need its own shed. You may also need to hire an electrical engineer to design and build this system for you, a very expensive process to be sure.

If you opt for solar power, contact a solar panel installation and conversion expert. The panels are often installed on the roof and wired into a converter box, which is then connected to your circuit breaker panel and provides all of the electricity you need. If you are going totally solar power, you will need to remove all gas and propane appliances and replace them with electrical so that only the power of the sun operates everything in your home.


About Me

Conserving Energy For A Better Future

Hi, my name is Mark and this blog focuses on the use of energy. What we do today will have a huge impact on the energy sources of the future. Individuals can make changes to ensure that available energy sources are affordable and reliable. Families can conserve energy by using energy efficient appliances, planting trees to shade their homes and unplugging electronics when they're not being used. Individuals can also spread the word to others about the importance of conserving energy and that's why I'm writing this blog. My intention is to get the word out to as many people as possible so that together we can reduce the amount of energy that's being used today. I hope that you find my blog enlightening and that by reading my posts, you'll help to do your part too.
